A letter of Thank from South Africa

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Baden-Powell said, ”Thanking is so very important. Remember a present is never yours until you have thanked for it!”

So it is time once again to thank all our Co-workers and Supporters in the Europe / Southern African Partnership, but most of all our good friends in DPSG, and in particular the wonderful support organisation, Nangu Thina, which co-opts and involves Scouts and Scouters of both VCP and BdP as well.

Its thanks to them for their wonderful Volunteers, ”Uwe’s Angels” who give up to six months of their precious young lives to assist in the progress and development of Scouting and Guiding Mpumalanga in so many ways – from helping in the hectic Area Office to organising Camps/Hikes/Field Trips for local and visiting Scouts and Scouters. It is wonderful to watch these good folk grow from their experience. Its thanks to Nangu Thina, too, for making exchange visits affordable and possible between South Africa and Germany; for being such wonderful Ambassadors for Scouting out here and for giving us the chance to do the same for Scouting and Guiding in Germany. The many combined projects have been such a benefit, both to the hard-working Scout / Guide Team and to the schools and community as a whole.

The privilege of meeting top Government officials from Germany (some of them having been Scouts themselves) who take a great interest in Scouting Mpumalanga’s activities during their visits and who assist us in broadening our contacts with the South African Provincial Government.

It is a thrill for the Scouts and Scouter to receive and open their very own Starter Kit of equipment, having registered and applied for it through Area Headquarters – supplied by . . . the generosity of Nangu Thina. Development and Training goes full steam ahead in Mpumalanga, backed and funded through the ”Ice Cream Badge” concept, where a German Cub, Scout or Scouter purchases the S.A. Annual Badge for the price of an Ice Cream, and in so doing he/she funds a disadvantaged Cub or Scout in Mpumalanga, as well as contributing towards the Training and Development.
The results of Nangu Thina’s support go far beyond the Cub Pack or Scout Troop. For instance,
1st Mthayiza’s Pack Scouter, Sabena Masuku, Head of Department at the time, was promoted to School Principal.
Two ex-Scouts of 1st Mayfern, Selby Mkhabela and Derek Chiloane have made their mark – Selby is now a Police Officer at Tonga and Derek is in the Croc Valley Personnel Department where he holds a responsible position.
The Troop Scouter, Reuben Mkandawire, now Assistant Area Commissioner Scout programmes, has been promoted to Manager of the Company Nurseries, which supply all the fruit trees for their orchards.
At the Tenteleni School, PL Mpumaleni Dzimba is the Head Prefect, while PL Malusi Khosa is Captain of the Soccer Team.
Walter Silenge, a founder member of 1st Kamhlushwa, is in his fourth year of study in Chemical Engineering. There too, Nangu Thina is playing a part in helping him reach his goal.
The most recent promotion was that of Pack Scouter of 1st Siyakhula, Shila Mlangeni, who has become Principal of the Siyakhula School. These are but a few of the many examples of the benefits of Scouting.

B.P. writes in Scouting for Boys – ”In every country the aim of the Scouts’ Training is identical, namely efficiency for service towards others; and with such an object in common, we can as an International Brotherhood in Service, go forward and do a far reaching work.”
And this is exactly what Nangu Thina is helping us to do!

SASA area Mpumalanga

Elvis Mdaka
-area comissioner -

© Nangu-Thina e.V, Bonn, Germany
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